KY TRIO Day Adult Learner Poster Session Rules and Regulations

Register a participant's poster by clicking here!

If you have any questions about this event, please contact KY TRIO Student Initiatives Poster Sessions Coordinator Tom Rowland.

Poster Specifications
Students will need to create their own poster on one of the topics identified below. Posters need to meet the following specifications:

1. Represent original research/information for the TRIO Day Poster Session program

2. Include proper citations

3. Accurately represent the information collected

4. Clearly present the information in a visually pleasing and easily understandable format

5. Contain the following information on the front of the poster

a. Presenter's first and last name and Trio Program Represented

b. Project title

c. Complete list of sources

6. Be able to be clipped or mounted on a light-weight easel

7. Be large enough to read easily

a. Posters should be no smaller than 22” by 28”

Poster Session Deadlines

Abstracts for all posters will need to be submitted to Tom Rowland via email at by February 1, 2022. Students and TRIO program staff will be responsible for posters getting to the site of Kentucky TRIO Day. Students do not have to be present at TRIO Day to compete in the competition.

How Posters Will be Judged

A panel of three judges associated with TRIO and the host institution will serve as judges for the poster sessions. Judging will take place between 10AM and Noon on TRIO Day. Posters will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Adherence to theme

  2. Content

  3. Grammar

  4. Following the guidelines and specifications

  5. Properly citing all sources

Poster Topics

Students may select any of the following topics to complete their poster. If a student wishes to complete a poster on a different topic, permission can be sought to do that by contacting Adult Learner Competition Co-Chair, Tom Rowland by February 1, 2022.

  1. Diversity

  2. Yesterday, Today and My Future:- Identifying Past Personal Struggles, Overcoming them and Seeing a Bright Future

  3. Servant Leadership

  4. Mentoring/Tutoring

  5. History of TRiO

  6. Notable TRiO Alums

  7. TRiO Impact on Campus Inclusion


  • First Place - $100 - 1 Prize will be awarded.

  • 2nd Place- $50 - 1 Prize will be awarded.