1. In order to receive a stipend from KYTRIO, the recipient institution MUST attend the entirety of KYTRIO’s FAFSA Train the Trainer Virtual Event AND agree to plan and host an in-person FAFSA event which takes place prior to August 17, 2024.

2. At the FAFSA Train the Trainer Virtual Event there will be many details given about how to plan and host a FAFSA event, as well as how stipend dollars are allowed to be spent. There will also be significant training over how to report budgets, expenses, etc. to KYTRIO.

3. Only ONE stipend can be remitted to each institution or event. Several staff members from one school attending the Virtual event cannot pool stipend money for one event.

4. Each school or institution attending the Virtual event and hosting a FAFSA event must sign a Memorandum of Understanding and submit to KYTRIO before the July 1 deadline in order for the stipend to be paid.

5. Should your school or institution determine they are unable to host the event after the MOU is signed and/or after funds are paid, you will be required to notify KYTRIO immediately and return the funds disbursed to you.

6. All schools/institutions must register their event, date, location, and details on a provided registration link no later than July 1.

7. All schools/institutions must submit a preliminary budget to KYTRIO no later than July 8. This budget will outline and detail how you will be spending the stipend.

8. All schools/institutions who sign an MOU and host a FAFSA event will be required to complete a final budget report and survey after their event, to be submitted no 

later than August 21.

9. The funds disbursed to each school are federal dollars which must be reported and accounted for accurately and appropriately. It is imperative that recipients follow the stipend guidelines closely. Failure to do so may result in repayment of stipends to KYTRIO

10. All questions can be directed to Matthew Donovan at matthew.donovan@kytrio.org 

A brand NEW series of trainings are available!

$600 per program allows any and all TRIO Staff to attend. The six sessions are: 

AUGUST: Recruitment Strategies to Improve Particpant Engagement

SEPTEMBER: Unleash the Full Power of Your Data

OCTOBER: Elevate Your Program 

DECEMBER: The 24-25 FAFSA Explained

APRIL: Stimulating STEM Activities 

MAY: Creating Safe Zones


Check out the highlight video from the 2023 SAEOPP Student Initiatives and make sure to join in on the fun next year!

KY TRIO hosts a number of Student Academic competitions during TRIO Day in February each year.  Winning teams and/or select students will go on to compete at the SAEOPP Student Initiatives competition held in Atlanta, GA.

To read more information and find out how to get involved please visit the "Student Initiatives" page under "Navigation" or CLICK HERE  

KY TRIO Newsletter Jan Feb 2022.pdf